"Mary Ann"
Kuddls Songbook
(c)Ralph Steinführer

A sailor in the prairie
Das Chianti-Lied
Dead Calm
Die Schlange von Loch Ness
De Hamborger Veermaster
Een lütt Hus achtern Diek
I see a boat on the river
Kari waits for me
Kleine Seemannsbraut
Lady Passat
La Paloma
Lasst die Finger von den schönen Senoritas
Mary Ann
My bonny is over the ocean
Oh, Billy don't go ashore
Rolling Home
Sloop John B.
Un denn seilt wi so langsom rund Kap Horn
Whisky for my Johnny
Wo de Ostseewellen trecken an den Strand

When we marry, we will have a time you never saw.
I will be so happy, I will kiss my moth'rinlaw.
Children by the dozen in and out the bamboo hut.
one for ev'ry palm tree and cokynut.

When she's walking down the shore, people stop to great.
Black birds fly around her, little fish come to her feet.
In her heart is love, but I'm the only mortal man,
who's allowed to kiss my Mary Ann.
Mary Ann, oh Mary Ann,
oh won't you marry me?
We can have a bamboo hut
and brandy in the tea.
Leave your fat old Mama home,
she never will say yes.
if Mama don't know now,
she can guess. (Hurry up now!)

All day, all night: Mary Ann
down by the seaside siftin' sand.
Even little children love Mary Ann
down by the seaside siftin' sand.